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breast surgery Turkey for breast augmentation with breast implants and breast lift surgery at Get Well Healthcare providing the best plastic surgeon in Istanbul Turkey and the best plastic surgery clinic Turkey


The best breast surgery in Istanbul, Turkey

Our qualified plastic surgeons can efficiently enlarge a woman's breasts for fuller shapeliness and elevated self-esteem. On the other hand, breast reduction by a plastic surgeon can improve comfort and reduce physical strain. No matter your aesthetic objectives, our plastic surgeons have the knowledge and expertise needed to perform the breast surgery operation that is best for you. After breast surgery, Get Well Healthcare gives patients enhanced feminine features and better body proportions, whether by enhancing symmetry or recovering the breast after a mastectomy.  


In order to enhance the look and confidence of the breast, cosmetic breast surgery encompasses surgical techniques that focus on the repair, restructuring, and rebuilding of the breast. Breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction are the three main types of cosmetic breast surgery. 


Apart from these, there is another technique called breast surgery corrections. The purpose of breast surgery correction is to alter the size and contour of the female breast. As the breasts' curves change over time and because they no longer reflect how a woman feels about her own body, many women get dissatisfied with their breasts. Additionally, the shape of the breasts is genetically predetermined, and the only way to change this is through plastic surgery. Breast surgery adjustments are carried out to restore the afflicted structure's normal appearance and function. Breast augmentation is a personal decision that you should make for yourself.


We provide the following types of breast surgery:

  • Breast augmentation,

  • Breast lift,

  • Breast reconstruction,

  • Breast reduction,

  • Nipple correction.

Breast Enlargement in Turkey

Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement, is a cosmetic procedure that enlarges the breasts by transferring fat from one area of the body to the other or using breast implants. Additionally, it can reduce any asymmetry in breast size or change the shape of the breasts.

The Process of Breast Enlargement at Get Well Healthcare

General anaesthesia or intravenous sedation is used during the one- to the two-hour procedure for breast augmentation. During consultations, a spot is selected for the incisions, which are typically performed around the nipples, beneath the breasts, or under the arm. Depending on the type of implant and the desired result, breast implants are either placed under or above the chest muscle.

There are various techniques for implant placement, such as:

  • In the most typical procedure, the doctor creates an incision on the skin fold that naturally exists on the bottom of your breast. Through this incision, the surgeon inserts the implant. 

  • The implant may be inserted through a cut under your arm if you are younger, thinner, and have not previously given birth, in which case your scar might be slightly more noticeable. An endoscope may be used by the surgeon to carry out this procedure. This device has a camera and medical equipment at the end. The cut is used to insert the endoscope. Your breast will not have any scars. However, you can have a scar that is visible on the bottom of your arm.

  • Your areola's edge can be cut by the surgeon. This is the darkened area that surrounds your nipple. Through this incision, the implant is inserted. With this approach, you can experience greater issues with nursing and nipple numbness.  

  • You could have an incision made close to your belly button to insert a saline implant. The implant is elevated to the breast region using an endoscope. The implant is then saline-filled once it has been put in. This approach is minimally invasive and can provide natural-looking results.

  • The amount of pain you experience following treatment varies depending on the type of implant used, its size and the process. The way your breasts look and the potential for future implant failure or leakage.

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Recovery and aftercare for breast enlargement

The breasts are covered with gauze and elastic bandages after breast augmentation surgery while they heal. Under the skin, tiny tubes may be inserted to drain any accumulation of extra blood or fluids. Pain, swelling, and bruising are expected for a few days after the procedure. You are given instructions on how to care for the chest area while you are recovering as well as on what medications to use for healing. A second appointment is scheduled.

After the procedure, your doctor will monitor you closely to ensure that everything is healing as it should. After breast augmentation, physical exertion should be avoided for up to six weeks while activity should be limited for the first few days. The pain usually subsides in one to five days, while the swelling subsides after several weeks when the final results of the breast enhancement should be visible.

It may take several months to several years for the breast augmentation scars to disappear. Asking your surgeon about the time right after the procedure and while you're recovering is advised. You might have concerns about where you will be kept following surgery, the drugs you will be prescribed, and the timing of your follow-up appointment. The state of the implants and the general health of the breasts should be checked on a regular basis. It may take several months to several years for the breast augmentation scars to disappear. Asking your surgeon about the time right after the procedure and while you're recovering is advised. You might have concerns about where you will be kept following surgery, the drugs you will be prescribed, and the timing of your follow-up appointment. The state of the implants and the general health of the breasts should be checked on a regular basis.

Breast Lift in Turkey

The top of the list of locations for mastoplasties or breast lift surgeries in Turkey. For good reason, only the most skilled medical professionals are used for this type of procedure. The implants should be checked by a surgeon every 1-2 years to ensure they remain in good condition, and the general health of the breasts should be monitored with regular mammograms and other tests. By having a boob lift in Turkey, you can benefit from one of the best healthcare systems and skilled medical staff in the entire world. In addition to healthcare benefits, Turkey offers the opportunity to get a breast lift at a lower cost. Skin naturally loses its resilience and elasticity as we age. This phenomenon, which even affects women's breasts, has an impact on their self-esteem, sexuality, and even daily lives. Each person experiences this process and its effects at a different pace.


There is no question that a breast lift significantly boosts a woman's well-being and self-confidence because psychological stress can result if a woman is no longer convinced of the appearance and effect of her breasts and suffers from a lack of aesthetics.  A breast lift can counteract this psychological stress, as it helps to restore the natural form of a woman's breasts and give her a more youthful look. 


 The breast-lifting procedure has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to restore the natural shape and appearance of breasts that have been affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding, and ageing. You can regain self-confidence in your own breasts and a sense of balance in your body with the help of a plastic-aesthetic procedure at our Istanbul clinic. Breast lifts can now be performed via a variety of incisions. The choice may be based on a number of factors that the patient and doctor discuss and decide together. The technique used to create a natural breast contour with the fewest scars depends critically on the size of the breast, the health of the skin and connective tissue, and the location of the nipples. It is important to not undervalue the impact a breast lift in Istanbul has on the patient's self-esteem.

Because of this, consultations with our specialists at the clinic in Istanbul take a long time. With the options the procedure provides from an aesthetic standpoint, we value your unique ideas. Of course, the discussion includes the medically necessary framework conditions, such as prior illnesses, potential allergies, the procedure's course, risks, and potential complications, as well as the postoperative phase. A free consultation is available for breast lifts in Turkey on the day of the procedure as well.

The various breast lift methods employed depend on the degree of breast ptosis.

Depending on the degree of breast ptosis and whether or not the breast volume needs to be treated, the mastopexy breast surgery technique is chosen to treat it. It is not necessary to place breast implants or use lipofilling when the breast volume is adequate. During a mastopexy, excess skin and glandular tissue are removed to lift the breasts and reshape them. To tighten the skin and give the breasts a more sculpted shape, the plastic surgeon performs a breast lift. The areola and nipple are elevated after the extra skin has been removed from their previous locations. In this process, the breast gland is not damaged; only the extra skin is removed.

Breast augmentation can also be carried out using lipofilling during a mastopexy. The breast is then lifted, and fat is injected to fill the breast. The location of the scars will vary depending on the procedure used and the amount of breast ptosis that needs to be corrected. The area around the areola (or periareolar region) may have breast lift scars.

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Before and after Breast Lift

  • Before the breast lift surgery, the Get Well Healthcare patient coordinator will direct you to a preoperative examination with a blood sample, an EKG examination, and an analysis of your state of health.

  • The operation usually takes three to four hours and is always performed under general anaesthesia.

  • You’ll stay at the hospital for the first night, and except for excessive physical exertion, you can continue your routine daytime activities just a few days after the procedure.

  • After a total of six nights, you can then start your return journey from Turkey.

  • From the second week onward, you can return to normal activities but not do any physically demanding ones.

  • Remember that for six to eight weeks you won't be able to do any physical exercise. 

  • Additionally, for two to three months, avoid exposing the scars to sunlight or solarium rays.

Breast Lift Recovery and Post-Operative Care

The patient might experience mild to moderate pain following breast lift surgery or a mastectomy, which can be relieved by taking painkillers. After the breast lift, a support bra should be worn for at least a month. It is important for the patient to take it easy for the first few days, as strenuous activities and lifting can cause more discomfort. Swimming and intensive exercise should be avoided for two months following breast surgery.


Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery involves reducing the size of the breasts by removing breast tissue, fat, and skin for either medical or cosmetic reasons. Breast reduction surgeries can take two to five hours to complete under general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation.


In breast reduction surgery, the breasts are raised into their new, smaller position on the chest as they are restructured. Excess skin, tissue, and fat are removed through incisions made near the nipples. During breast reduction surgery, the areolas and nipples are fully connected to their original blood and nerve supply. The area beneath the areolas is brought back together and sutured together once it has been properly positioned to finish the reshaping.


Sometimes liposuction alone is sufficient to complete the procedure. Although the precise procedure will depend on your preferences and the nature of the problem, regardless of the specifics, it is essential to take the necessary steps to ensure your body is able to heal and recover properly. 


Surgical drainage tubes are frequently inserted into the breasts during breast reduction procedures. This facilitates healing by allowing fluids to drain from the breasts. Bandages or a compression garment, together with dressings, are placed over the newly reshaped breasts.  The use of these helps the breasts maintain their proper shape while healing. From start to finish, breast reduction surgery usually takes about two to five hours to complete.


It's crucial to heed your doctor's recommendations regarding rest after breast surgery when it comes to engaging in strenuous physical activity. Following a recommended diet and exercise plan, getting enough rest, and caring for the operated area can all help you recover from this type of cosmetic surgery successfully.

Breast Reduction Techniques

There are several typical reduction techniques used during the procedure, as well as incisions made to remove tissue. Though the anchor technique is the most commonly used, the second is a T-shaped incision that runs from the top of the areola down and along the contour of the future breast crease. To remove more tissue and treat severely sagging breasts, many surgeons favour this incision. Additionally, the liposuction method is commonly used to remove excess fatty tissue and reduce the size of the breasts.


The following method uses a vertical incision that creates a v-shape at the top of the areola and runs down the middle of the breast. The free nipple graft is a different procedure that, after removing extra tissue, removes the areola and the nipple and elevates them higher on the breast. For some applicants, it is possible to utilise liposuction to get rid of extra breast tissue that is fatty as well as fat in the immediate vicinity of the breasts.

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Breast Reduction Surgery

During breast reduction surgery, the nipples and the areolas remain fully attached to their original blood and nerve supply. As the breasts are restructured, they are raised into their new, smaller position on the chest.
Once properly positioned, the area beneath the areolas is brought back together and sutured together to complete reshaping. During breast reduction surgeries, there are often surgical drainage tubes placed in the breasts. This allows fluids to escape from the breasts, and helps promote healing. The newly restructured breasts are covered in dressings, as well as bandages or a compression garment. The use of these helps the breasts maintain their proper shape while healing. From start to finish, the breast reduction surgery usually takes about two to five hours to complete.

Breast reduction Postoperative care & recovery

After breast reduction surgery is completed, swelling and discoloration of the breasts is completely normal, and subsides with recovery. Though there is some initial pain, it usually fades the first few days after surgery. If surgical drains were placed in the breasts, they are normally removed after a day or two. It’s important to note that strenuous physical activity is not permitted for at least a month after surgery has been completed. Heavy lifting, driving, and chores like laundry and cleaning are not permitted for the first two weeks after surgery. Even after recovery, it’s common for there to be some swelling, which can take several weeks to fully subside. After breast surgery, most patients report an extremely high rate of satisfaction, and feeling like they fully belong in their skin.


FAQs - Breast Surgery

  • What is PRP Platelet Rich Plasma treatment?
    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. In this way, PRP injections use each individual patient's own healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems. PRP injections are prepared by taking anywhere from one to a few tubes of your own blood and running it through a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. These activated platelets are then injected directly into your injured or diseased body tissue. This releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of repairing cells that your body produces. Hair transplantation supported with PRP enables tissues to heal faster, makes hair follicles remain in the active growth phase for a longer time and helps their adaptation to the transplanted area after the operation. ​ There are many Hair Transplant clinics in Turkey, Get Well Healthcare helps you to find the top 10 Hair Transplant clinics in Turkey with exceptional results and amazing patient doctor relationship. ​
  • What is Hair Transplantation?
    Hair transplantation is the permanent solution for hair loss. A hair transplant operation can be expressed as; a micro-surgical procedure that is performed in a hospital or a specialized clinic. The concept micro-surgical operation implies that a hair transplant procedure will be carried out with minimal surgical intervention unlike the traditional surgery. A hair transplant operation, is a permanent and effective and solution for individuals experiencing baldness which is also referred to as androgenetic alopecia. Apart from these, individuals who have scars or have lost hair due to various kinds of hair diseases can also safely undergo a hair transplant surgery.
  • Is it safe to have Hair Transplant in Turkey?
    Hair transplant in Turkey became the top destination for people seeking hair transplantation. The numbers of hair transplants have undergone a massive rise in Turkey for many reasons like cost efficiency because the cost of hair transplant in Turkey is cheaper than the price of hair transplant in other countries, Turkey has a wide variety of hair transplant centers with over than 350 hair transplant centers in Istanbul and Istanbul became the first choice for people who are seeking hair transplant and Turkish doctors in the past few decades have become very famous for a very simple reason because they do their job very professionally and efficiently practically there are no complaints about the quality of Turkish doctors. A hair transplant operation in Turkey is not just a medical procedure. Every clinic in Istanbul offers a package, Get Well Healthcare helps you to get the best deal from top 10 hair transplant clinics in Turkey. Your hair transplant package will include transportation, 5 star hotel room and medications after the surgery. Arriving in Turkey for hair transplantation you become both more beautiful and happier because Turkey is the optimal choice for hair transplantation.
  • What is FUE Hair Transplant technique operation?
    The most advanced technique for hair transplant is the FUE technique. FUE method was developed in the early 2000s and introduced in 2005. Even though the technique has been in continuous development with some further refinement, the basic principles of FUE remain the same. The technique continues to be considered as the gold standard of hair transplant surgery. The main advantage of using the FUE technique for hair transplantation, is that it leaves no scars and recovery time is shorter. The success of the operations has also increased as a consequence of the advances in medical devices utilized in the FUE technique. FUE technique can be performed with a variety of different instruments. As a consequence of this, the technique is known with a few different names, such as: Classic FUE (via micro motors) Robotic FUE DHI technique (FUE performed with Choi implanters) Sapphire FUE (FUE performed with Sapphire blades) ​ FUE hair transplantation technique with using sapphire blades is a significant technique in terms of allowing high number of hair follicles to be transplanted in one session. The difference between classic FUE and Sapphire FUE can be explained as the channels opened with sapphire, which is much smoother material, heal much faster and leave less scar. DHI technique also stands out with achieving high density hair transplants With this hair transplantation technique using Choi needles, Natural and satisfying results can be obtained. ​
  • What are the differences between FUE and DHI hair transplant techniques?
    DHI gives us the chance to plant the hair without damaging the hair follicles. FUE can be planted in larger areas, while DHI can be used more frequently and intensively. FUE and DHI are similar in principle, Choi pen is used in DHI method and special punch tips are used in the FUE method. Since the DHI method is used for individual planting with the pen, the planting process takes longer than the FUE method.
  • What is Hair Restoration?
    Hair Restoration is a hair loss treatment process which either involves hair regrowth or hair replacement. Hair restoration can be Surgical process called hair transplant or a non surgical process performed by a specialized surgeon for restoring partial areas of baldness.
  • What is the cost of tummy tuck?
    There is no standard price for the procedure. Costs will vary depending on the complexity of the surgery and the amount of work that needs to be done, operating room fees, charges for anesthesia administration, and other factors. Get Well Healthcare plastic surgeons can give you a more accurate cost estimate after your free consultation.
  • Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck?
    In general, you may be a good candidate if you have excess fat and loose skin following pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or the effects of aging. It is best if women are done having children before considering this procedure. You should also be in overall good health with any chronic conditions well managed. Depending on skin elasticity, removing fat alone may not adequately improve the overall appearance of the abdomen. Younger individuals typically have excellent elasticity, and the skin can be expected to “bounce back” following liposuction, which lends to an excellent overall result. However, factors such as history of pregnancies, significant fluctuations in weight, age, history of smoking, and genetics can all contribute to diminished skin elasticity. Unfortunately, non-invasive skin tightening techniques are on the whole extremely poor in achieving meaningful tightening of lower abdominal skin. Get well Healthcare plastic surgeons does not recommend these procedures. At Get Well Healthcare tummy tuck may well be the procedure of choice for patients with poor skin elasticity.
  • What are the advantages of tummy tuck in Istanbul Turkey?
    Istanbul in Turkey is one of the top choices in the world for cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery that includes tummy tuck surgery. Get Well Healthcare expert team assists you to have your tummy tuck in Istanbul Turkey at a very reasonable prices, quality of service in the best plastic surgery clinics in Istanbul using the latest technology and highest healthcare quality by the best tummy tuck plastic surgeon in Istanbul turkey.
  • What is the tummy tuck recovery process like?
    Bandages are often applied after tummy tuck surgery at Get well Healthcare plastic surgery clinics. Drains may be inserted at the incision sites to collect excess fluid and these are generally removed within four to seven days. Some swelling, bruising and discomfort are normal after surgery. Pain medication will help to control discomfort. Stitches are usually removed within seven to ten days. Patients will need to wear a supportive garment for up to six weeks after surgery. Work can often be resumed within two to four weeks, though strenuous activity and heavy lifting will need to be avoided for at least six to eight weeks. After surgery, it's possible to experience additional temporary swelling. Time will be required for more fluid (lymph) drainage systems to develop to drain that extra swelling. ​
  • What are the benefits of tummy tuck?
    Tummy tuck has been a mainstay of the cosmetic surgery industry since the beginning. However, in the past, tummy tuck frequently left unsightly scars that have made it nearly impossible for women to showcase the flat, muscular look of their new abdomens or even to wear a bikini to the beach. Get Well Healthcare offers tummy tucks in Turkey that have been perfected for the modern woman! Our procedures produce a small incision scar that resides in the pubic area, not the upper abdomen; becoming virtually invisible while accomplishing a host of goals for your new appearance: Removes fat Tightens muscles Eliminates loose skin Eliminates “muffin top” and “belly bulge” Improves self-confidence & overall comfort
  • Can I see tummy tuck before and after photos of previous patients?
    Get a better feel for the type of results you can expect by asking Get well Healthcare expert team to see tummy tuck before and after photos of other patients. This can also help you get a sense of what is realistic and how people’s bodies who are similar to yours have changed. You can see where scars will be visible and what they may look like as well.
  • How much does tummy tuck cost in Turkey?
    Tummy tuck cost in Istanbul Turkey cost depends on the following three components: professional fee for the plastic surgeon, professional fee for anesthesia, and the cost of the operating room. Get Well Healthcare expert team will assist you to get different tummy tuck packages from the best plastic surgery clinics in Istanbul and the top plastic surgeons. Tummy tuck packages will include Surgery fee, anesthesia fee, operating room fee, hospital accommodation for 1 or 2 nights, pre operation lab tests, post operation medications, car transfers for internal transportation, hotel accommodation.
  • What is tummy tuck?
    A tummy tuck is known as abdominoplasty, tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen. During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. Connective tissue in the abdomen (fascia) usually is tightened with sutures as well. The remaining skin is then repositioned to create a more toned look. You might choose to have a tummy tuck if you have excess fat or skin around the area of your bellybutton or a weak lower abdominal wall. A tummy tuck can also boost your body image.
  • What does tummy tuck surgery involve?
    During a tummy tuck, our plastic surgeon will make an incision along your lower abdomen and carefully shape and sculpt the area by removing extra skin and fat. If the abdominal muscles have separated, they will be repaired and sewn back together. This improves the fullness that was present in this area and also helps to strengthen and support the core and lower back. A second incision may be made inside the belly button to tighten skin along the upper abdomen and remove loose skin above or around it. A new opening for your belly button may be created to leave the stomach as natural looking as possible.
  • What are the types of tummy tuck?
    Traditional tummy tuck or Full tummy tuck: A traditional tummy tuck is a complex yet standard surgical procedure for the abdomen. It addresses and improves the look of the entire abdominal area and only leaves a small horizontal incision below the bikini line. Partial or Mini: A partial tummy tuck only affects the lower region of the abdomen. This procedure leaves an even smaller incision also below the bikini line. Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck: Called a lateral tension tummy tuck because it sutures the muscles of the abdomen laterally, this procedure tightens the skin of the stomach and thighs for a more youthful look. Lateral tension tummy tucks create a small, single, curved incision just below the bikini line. Modified Tummy Tuck: a modified tummy tuck is a term that is used to describe a surgical tummy tuck procedure that is tailored to your needs. You may want to target certain areas, strengthen your torso, stimulate post-operative weight loss, or relocate your navel to the appropriate location. Modified tummy tuck procedures can accomplish all of this and more. Reverse Abdominoplasty: This is a procedure used to address loose excess skin in the upper abdomen, for patients who may have excess fatty tissue in the lower abdomen without skin excess. The technique is to start with incisions that follow the lower breast fold then cross the lower sternum to connect both sides of the abdomen. These scars generally hide very well even in two piece bathing suits. The full thickness skin is elevated down the abdomen preserving the vital blood supply on either side of the belly button. If upper rectus muscles need to be tightened this can proceed. Any abdominal fatty excess can also be corrected with liposuction at this time.
  • How to choose tummy tuck plastic surgeon in Istanbul Turkey?
    Tummy tuck in Turkey is a procedure that requires precision, skill, and expertise to perform well. Get Well Healthcare works with a highly acclaimed, board-certified plastic surgeons in Turkey who specialize in body procedures and breast surgeries like breast enhancement. Our expert team will ensure your procedure is safe and produces the best possible results for you. To learn more about tummy tuck or any of our other body or facial plastic surgery procedure contact us immediately or fill in our contact form and our team will be happily assisting you. ​
  • Which body areas can be treated by liposuction?
    The most frequently treated areas for women are the abdomen, breasts, hips, outer thighs, anterior thighs, inner thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, cheeks and neck. In men, who comprise about 15% to 25% of liposuction patients, the most commonly treated areas include the chin and neck area, abdomen, flanks, and breasts.
  • Is liposuction procedure safe in Istanbul, Turkey?
    Tumescent liposuction in Turkey at Get Well Healthcare that is performed by a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon under local, IV sedation or general anesthesia is very safe. The determination of anesthesia type would be made based on the number of areas being addressed and the projected amount of fat expected for removal. Compared to other surgical procedures, liposuction in Turkey is one of the safest. The procedure is non-invasive; the liposuction cannula is a narrow stainless-steel tube that removes subcutaneous fat through a very small insertion cut in the skin.
  • What are the advantages of liposuction procedure in Istanbul and Turkey?
    Istanbul in Turkey is one of the top choices in the world for body aesthetics like liposuction procedures. The cheap price of liposuction in Istanbul, quality of service in its top clinics with the latest technology, quality, and affordable healthcare make Istanbul, Turkey is a top choice for plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.
  • What is laser liposuction?
    Laser liposuction is a minimally-invasive fat-removal treatment whereby the area of desired removal is pre-treated with a laser fiber below the skin to melt away fat. Laser assisted liposuction is an innovative technique to make the procedure more targeted and less invasive. Laser liposuction can be used to destroy targeted fat cells in the waist region by employing a special laser-tipped surgical instrument. Laser Liposuction procedure is known as SmartLipo, which can be performed using local anesthesia. This ensures greater patient comfort and reduces the anesthesia related risks. Trauma to the surrounding healthy skin, blood vessels, and nerves is minimized because of the superior precision involved in a laser based technique. Surgical risks are reduced and the overall recovery is relatively faster as compared to tummy tuck surgery.
  • How to choose your best liposuction plastic surgeon in Turkey?
    Liposuction in Turkey is a procedure that requires precision, skill, and expertise to perform well. Get Well Healthcare works with a highly acclaimed, board-certified plastic surgeons in Turkey who specialize in body procedures and breast surgeries like breast enhancement. Our expert team will ensure your procedure is safe and produces the best possible results for you. To learn more about liposuction or any of our other body or facial plastic surgery procedure contact us immediately or fill in our contact formand our expert team will be happily assisting you.
  • What is the difference between abdominal liposuction and tummy tuck?
    A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a major surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia, and involves liposuction and excision to remove fat, plus a large excision of skin. In many patients (but not all) liposuction of the abdomen can often provide equivalent or better results than a tummy tuck. Because liposuction is safer and causes less scarring compared to tummy tucks, abdominal liposuction is now far more common than are tummy tucks.
  • What questions should I ask before choosing a liposuction plastic surgeon in Turkey?
    Decisions about liposuction should not be based solely on the cost of liposuction. The cheapest procedure might mean that the surgeon does the procedure quickly and incompletely. You should feel free to ask any question you have about liposuction. In fact, it is the patient’s responsibility to make sure that all important questions have been asked and answered before making any final decisions about having liposuction.
  • What is Liposuction?
    Liposuction is a surgical procedure that helps contour your body by removing excess fat deposits located just under the skin. It removes the pockets of fat that are most resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction may also have several clever names which essentially mean the same thing. Liposculpture is how a surgeon many sculpt areas of your body using the liposuction method. Lipo 360 essentially means lipo around the full circumference of your body in other words you are turned over during the procedure 360 degrees so that both the front and back of your body are treated. ​ ​
  • What are the different liposuction techniques?
    There are many newer liposuction techniques available including ultrasound-assisted liposuction and tumescent liposuction. These generally offer several benefits over traditional liposuction including more precise fat removal and quicker recovery times. With tumescent liposuction, a solution comprised of saline (salt water), a local anesthetic called lidocaine, and a small amount of adrenaline to decrease bruising and bleeding is first injected to ease the removal of fat. With ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), ultrasonic energy is first applied which liquefies the fat before being removed.
  • What are liposuction procedures?
    Tumescent liposuction: This is the most common type of liposuction. The surgeon injects a sterile solution — a mixture of salt water, which aids fat removal, an anesthetic (lidocaine) to relieve pain and a drug (epinephrine) that causes the blood vessels to constrict — into the area that's being treated. The fluid mixture causes the affected area to swell and stiffen. The surgeon then makes small cuts into your skin and inserts a thin tube called a cannula under your skin. The cannula is connected to a vacuum that suctions fat and fluids from your body. Your body fluid may be replenished through an intravenous (IV) line. ​​ Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL): This type of liposuction is sometimes used in conjunction with traditional liposuction. During UAL, the surgeon inserts a metal rod that emits ultrasonic energy under your skin. This ruptures the fat-cell walls and breaks down the fat for easier removal. A new generation of UAL called VASER-assisted liposuction uses a device that may improve skin contouring and reduce the chance of skin injuries. ​​ Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL): This technique uses high-intensity laser light to break down fat for removal. During LAL, the surgeon inserts a laser fiber through a small incision in the skin and emulsifies fat deposits. The fat is then removed via a cannula. ​​ Power-assisted liposuction (PAL): This type of liposuction uses a cannula that moves in a rapid back-and-forth motion. This vibration allows the surgeon to pull out tough fat more easily and faster. PAL may sometimes cause less pain and swelling and can allow the surgeon to remove fat with more precision. Your surgeon may select this technique if large volumes of fat need to be removed or if you've had a previous liposuction procedure.
  • Am I a good candidate for liposuction?
    The best candidates for liposuction are of normal body weight but are bothered by areas of excess fat which have proven resistant to exercise and diet. It is also important that patients have realistic expectations for improvement. There are two layers of fat you need to understand before determining if you are a good candidate for liposuction: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat can be stubborn to lose, and it lies between muscle and skin. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is the layer beneath the muscle layer around organs. Visceral fat cannot be removed, but the subcutaneous layer can. The subcutaneous layer’s integrity, as well as your skin’s elasticity will help determine if you are a good candidate. An important consideration when evaluating whether liposuction is right for you is ensuring the skin envelope will not sag or look wrinkly with fat removed. This will be determined in your consultation. ​
  • What parts of the body can I have liposuction performed on?
    The optimal areas for you depends on your unique response to exercise and diet. Common problem areas of the body where women want liposuction performed are: Chin and neck area: double chin removal Abdomen and Flanks: create curves and sculpted abs and remove love handles and muffin tops Breasts: remove “side boob” fat Hips: eliminate squareness Outer, anterior, and inner thighs: define thighs in proportion to knees and calves Knees: create runners’ knees Arms: sculpt and define for the appearance of toned and “cut” upper arms Back: removed dreaded back fat to soften and create a more feminine physique
  • Liposuction in Turkey
    If you have been on the search for a “best plastic surgeon in turkey” for your liposuction in turkey either tumescent liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction, laser assisted liposuction or power assisted liposuction, you have finally found the place, Welcome to Get Well Healthcare. You will see the best plastic surgeons here for your liposuction procedure in Turkey.
  • What is the cost of liposuction in Istanbul, Turkey?
    Liposuction cost in Turkey vary by the patient’s needs and on how many areas are treated by liposuction. One area for liposuction treatment costs less than multiple areas. Following your consultation, Get Well Healthcare expert team will review costs and help you assess various financing options to put a liposuction procedure within reach of your budget.
  • Q. What variations of a tummy tuck are there?
    Traditional or complete tummy tuck: Traditional abdominal surgery, or "tummy tuck," is a difficult but common procedure. It just leaves a minor horizontal incision below the bikini line and treats and improves the appearance of the entire abdominal region. Mini or Partial: With a partial stomach tuck, only the lowest half of the abdomen is altered. Below the bikini line, this technique likewise leaves an even tiny incision. Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck: This operation, is also known as a lateral tension tummy tuck because it sutures the abdominal muscles laterally, and tightens the skin on the stomach and thighs to give them a more youthful appearance. An extremely small, single, curved incision is made immediately below the bikini line during lateral tension tummy tucks. Modified Stomach Tuck: A surgical tummy tuck treatment that is customised to meet your needs is referred to as a "modified tummy tuck." You might want to strengthen your torso, encourage weight loss after surgery, or move your navel to the proper position. All of this and more can be done with modified stomach tuck techniques. Reverse abdominoplasty: For individuals who may have extra fatty tissue in the lower abdomen without skin excess, this treatment is utilised to address loose excess skin in the upper abdomen. In order to link the two sides of the abdomen, the method begins with incisions that follow the lower breast fold and then cross the lower sternum. Even with two-piece bathing costumes, these scars typically blend in extremely nicely. The critical blood supply on either side of the belly button is preserved by elevating the full-thickness skin down the abdomen. This can continue if the upper rectus muscles need to be tightened. At this point, liposuction can also be used to reduce any excess belly fat.
  • Q. Is rhinoplasty surgery safe to perform in Turkey?
    Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries performed in Turkey, which continues to be a global leader in the field. Surgeons in Turkey use cutting-edge technology and have extensive experience with rhinoplasty. International patients continue to fly to Turkey for rhinoplasty surgery due to the effectiveness and reasonable cost of the procedure there. With its top-notch hospitals, surgeons using the most up-to-date equipment, and relatively low pricing, Turkey provides top-notch healthcare. In Turkey, rhinoplasty surgery ranks behind liposuction, eyelid surgery, and breast augmentation as the fourth most popular surgical operation. Turkey has relatively lower rhinoplasty costs than other nations. Don't forget to inquire about Turkey's all-inclusive rhinoplasty packages as well.
  • Q. What kinds of breast lifts are there?
    Depending on your current breast tissue, the quantity of extra skin that needs to be removed, and your goals, a few different breast lift techniques may be performed. Patients who have minimal sagging and little extra skin may benefit from a crescent lift or periareolar ("doughnut") lift. These only leave a minor amount of scarring and include little incisions around the areola. A vertical ("lollipop"), inverted T ("anchor"), or Wise pattern breast lift will probably be performed on patients with more severe sagging and more extra skin. These operations necessitate more incisions on the breasts because of the increased drooping and extraneous skin.
  • Q. Breast Lift: What is it?
    The mastopexy, also known as the breast lift, is a cosmetic surgical technique that can give the breasts a more youthful form and lift. For women whose breasts have started to droop owing to age, pregnancy, or weight loss, the breast lift offers a remedy. For those ladies who want more volume and rigidity in their breasts, the operation can be paired with breast augmentation using implants. If necessary, surgery can also be used to minimise the size of large areolas. Candidates for breast lift surgery have realistic expectations for improvement and are generally in good health. Despite the fact that surgery can be done on breasts of any size, women with small, sagging breasts frequently experience the best outcomes. Additionally, people who intend to become pregnant in the future or lose weight may be recommended to put off surgery.
  • Q. What is abdominal surgery?
    Abdominoplasty, often known as a tummy tuck, is a type of plastic surgery frequently carried out on people who want to regain their pre-pregnancy abdominal shape or who are regaining weight after a significant weight reduction. Depending on the patient's particular abdominal condition and individual cosmetic goals, the surgeon will conduct a full or partial abdominoplasty and select the best surgical procedure. A hip-to-hip incision may be necessary during a full abdominoplasty to remove extra skin and strengthen underlying abdominal muscles that are weak or divided. The restoration of a flatter, firmer belly as well as the strengthening of weak muscles in the lower and upper abdominal regions are potential significant outcomes in this scenario. ​​The belly button may also be moved by the surgeon to a more suitable location. In many instances, stomach tuck surgery is combined with liposuction to remove excess fat from the flanks as well as the abdominal region.
  • Q. Liposuction: What is it?
    A surgical operation called liposuction employs a suction technique to remove fat from particular body parts, such as the belly, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. These areas are also shaped by liposuction. Liposuction is also known as lipoplasty and body sculpting. Liposuction isn't often seen as an all-encompassing weight-loss technique or a weight-loss substitute. If you are overweight, bariatric procedures like gastric bypass surgery or diet and exercise will certainly help you lose more weight than liposuction will. Using liposuction, fat can be removed from body parts that haven't responded to diet and exercise, such as the: The abdomen Lower arms The buttocks Ankles and calves Back and chest Thighs and hips Neck and chin In addition, liposuction can occasionally be performed to treat gynecomastia or reduce the size of the breasts.
  • Q. Breast augmentation - what is it?
    Breast augmentation, also known by patients as a "boob job" or "breast aug," is utilising breast implants or fat transfer to enlarge your breasts. This procedure can also restore lost breast volume from pregnancies or weight loss, correct natural breast size asymmetry, and provide breasts with a more rounded shape. Breast augmentation is also referred to as "augmentation mammoplasty." When fat is utilised to increase breast volume from another part of the patient's body, the procedure is referred to as "fat transfer breast augmentation." ​
  • Q. Can breast reduction be accomplished with liposuction?
    You may have heard of plastic surgeons who promote breast reduction with liposuction alone. Although liposuction can be used for breast reduction, relatively few women actually fit the requirements for getting the best outcomes from this procedure.
  • Q. How can I tell if I need to undergo a mommy makeover?
    if you are dissatisfied with the way your body appears after giving birth or nursing. A mummy makeover may be the operation for you if you have done a variety of activities, dropped weight, and still can't manage to get your pre-pregnancy shape back.
  • Q. What does cosmetic surgery entail?
    Surgical and non-invasive techniques are used in cosmetic plastic surgery to enhance and reshape body structures to boost confidence and look. It can be used to enhance a person's physical attributes generally, including their face, breasts, abdomen, and buttocks.
  • Q. What Steps Are Involved In Liposuction?
    The most popular form of liposuction is tumescent liposuction. A sterile solution containing a combination of salt water, which helps remove fat, lidocaine, an anaesthetic to decrease discomfort, and epinephrine, which constricts blood vessels, is injected into the area being treated by the surgeon. The affected area stiffens and swells as a result of the fluid mixture. The surgeon will then make a few tiny incisions in your skin and place a cannula—a thin tube—under your skin. A vacuum is attached to the cannula, sucking fluids and fat out of your body. An intravenous (IV) line may be used to replace your body's fluid levels. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) is a procedure that is occasionally combined with standard liposuction. A metal rod that generates ultrasonic radiation is inserted beneath your skin by the surgeon during UAL. This causes the fat cells to burst and causes the fat to break down for simpler disposal. With VASER-assisted liposuction, a new generation of UAL, a device that may enhance skin contouring and lessen the likelihood of skin damage is used. High-intensity laser light is used in the laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) method to break down fat for removal. During LAL, the surgeon makes a tiny incision in the skin and inserts a laser fibre to emulsify fat deposits. A cannula is then used to extract the fat. ​​ ​​PAL (power-assisted liposuction)is a technique that uses a cannula that moves quickly back and forth. The surgeon can remove challenging fat more quickly and simply thanks to this vibration. PAL may occasionally result in reduced discomfort and edoema, allowing the surgeon to remove fat with greater accuracy. If significant amounts of fat need to be removed or if you've undergone liposuction in the past, your surgeon might use this approach.
  • Q. What benefits do breast augmentation procedures in Istanbul and Turkey offer?
    One of the best locations in the world for breast cosmetic procedures including breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction surgeries is Istanbul in Turkey. Istanbul, Turkey is a preferred choice for plastic surgery due to the reasonable cost of breast aesthetics there, the high level of service in its renowned clinics with the newest technology, and the quality and reasonably priced healthcare.
  • Q. What is meant by breast lift?
    Typically, breast lifts last two and a half hours. If your total surgery time does not exceed 7-8 hours, it can occasionally be coupled with other procedures, like a stomach tuck. The incisions typically go vertically from the areolas to the crease, under the breast crease, and around the areolas. Sometimes there is no need for the incision to be made beneath the crease. Although there will be scars, they gradually fade in visibility.
  • Q. How does "Mommy Makeover" work?
    The procedure in which a stomach tuck and breast aesthetics are carried out in one session is referred to as a "mommy makeover," also known as pregnancy aesthetics or postpartum aesthetics. The majority of the surgery entails liposuction, fat removal, stomach tucks, breast lifts, breast reductions, and augmentations of the breasts. The phrase "Mommy Makeover" refers to the rejuvenation of the breasts and abdomen. The intention is to treat some of the typical physical alterations that can take place after pregnancy. These most frequently occur on the breast and include sagging and deflation. There is frequently extra skin with stretch marks and bulging on the abdomen.
  • Q. How do breast implants work?
    Breast implants can increase or replace lost breast volume, enhance your figure's curves, and give you a more proportionate, symmetrical appearance that complements your natural body type. It is possible to efficiently customise both silicone and saline implants to match your demands and realise your beauty objectives. You will talk with your surgeon about the optimal implant type, size, and form for you during the consultation phase. You can make well-informed selections about your body and the strategy your surgeon will employ for your surgery if you are completely aware of the advantages and limitations of your alternatives. ​
  • Q. Describe plastic surgery.
    As a surgical speciality, plastic surgery is devoted to the rehabilitation of face and body deformities brought on by birth defects, trauma, burns, and disease. By definition, plastic surgery is reconstructive in nature and is meant to treat dysfunctional body parts. The foundation of plastic surgeons' surgical training continues to be reconstructive plastic surgery, even if many of them opt to pursue extra training and conduct cosmetic surgery as well.
  • Q. How does cosmetic surgery work?
    The entire goal of cosmetic surgery is to improve a patient's appearance. Cosmetic surgery treatments, techniques, and concepts reflect this. The main objectives are to enhance symmetry, proportion, and aesthetic appeal. The entire head, neck, and body can be operated on for aesthetic reasons. Since cosmetic surgery affects areas that typically function, it is categorised as elective surgery. Plastic surgeons among other professionals from a range of medical specialities carry out cosmetic elective operations. ​
  • Q. What is a "nose job" or "rhinoplasty"?
    Rhinoplasty also referred to as a "nose job," is a frequent surgery used to alter the nose's size or shape in order to improve its appearance and restore its functionality. This procedure can be used to correct birth defects, injuries, or breathing difficulties. Patients who want rhinoplasty surgery want to look better overall and are unhappy with the way their nose looks. Rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most popular procedures carried out by our doctors since the nose is the main feature of the face and how it looks might affect your confidence. In addition to enhancing your appearance, this procedure can also enhance function by addressing breathing issues brought on by a deviated septum.
  • Q. What is breast augmentation?
    One of the most common plastic surgery treatments is breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement or breast enhancement. In order to generate a larger, more appealing breast shape and size, this surgical treatment inserts implants into the breast. Women who are dissatisfied with their breast size or who have observed changes to the breasts as a result of pregnancy, lactation, weight loss, or the ageing process may benefit from breast augmentation. If your breasts are of various sizes or shapes, the operation is particularly advantageous since it helps restore symmetry and balance. After a mastectomy, breast reconstruction may also involve implants to restore a woman's body form.
  • Q. Is rhinoplasty surgery safe to perform in Turkey?
    Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries performed in Turkey, which continues to be a global leader in the field. International patients continue to fly to Turkey for rhinoplasty surgery due to the effectiveness and reasonable cost of the procedure there. Turkey provides high-quality, reasonably priced healthcare, as well as world-class clinics and surgeons that use the most up-to-date technologies. In Turkey, rhinoplasty surgery ranks behind liposuction, eyelid surgery, and breast augmentation as the fourth most popular surgical operation. Turkey has relatively lower rhinoplasty costs than other nations. Don't forget to inquire about Turkey's all-inclusive rhinoplasty packages as well. ​​
  • Q. When can you resume your daily activities following rhinoplasty surgery?
    Although it varies from patient to patient, most people can resume modest activities and employment after about three weeks. However, it is important to note that any strenuous activity should be avoided for at least a month. People who have physically demanding occupations might require more time to heal before being given the all-clear to go back to work.
  • Q. How do you choose the best plastic surgeon to perform your rhinoplasty procedure?
    You must keep in mind that you will be entrusting this person with your appearance, so you should exercise caution in your choice. Researching the best plastic surgeon for you should be a top priority. Always go with a plastic surgery board-certified surgeon. You may know that your surgeon is qualified since this governing organisation upholds the highest standards of ethics and safety. Meet the plastic surgeon in Turkey that you are thinking about meeting in person as well. Your plastic surgeon should make you feel at ease and be able to confidently address any concerns you may have. Review the before and after pictures of the work done by plastic surgeons. You can tell from this how well he or she will be able to create the look you want. Bringing pictures of the look you wish to achieve can also be beneficial. The plastic surgeons at Get Well Healthcare have completed their training, are board certified, and have more than 20 years of expertise doing rhinoplasty procedures. Before you travel to Turkey for your rhinoplasty surgery, our skilled staff will set up an online consultation with our top plastic surgeon in order for you to feel comfortable, and safe, and to get all of your questions answered.
  • Q. Is doing a revision rhinoplasty the best course of action?
    Individuals who were unfortunate enough to sustain injuries after previous rhinoplasty surgery may require revision rhinoplasty surgery to correct abnormalities caused by the previous surgery. Following their initial rhinoplasty surgery, patients may not be satisfied with the appearance of their noses, which might affect their ability to breathe. Gaining the surgeon's trust is crucial since it is vital that the surgeon believes that any additional rhinoplasty surgery would improve the current situation. ​​
  • Q. When will the effects of your rhinoplasty surgery become apparent?
    After roughly a month, the majority of patients start to notice results. However, it could take up to a year following surgery before you can fully see your new nose shape. During the first few weeks, you may notice some bruising, swelling, and general discomfort, but this will usually subside after a few days.
  • Q. How much does rhinoplasty cost in Turkey?
    The complexity and difficulty of the procedure play a major role in how much a rhinoplasty will cost. Depending on the facility and treatment, prices can change. We provide a consultation visit with a licenced and experienced surgeon from our highly qualified staff before you even pay for anything. Your numerous difficulties will be discussed, and they will examine your nose and the area around it, including your eyes, cheeks, and jaw, to see if your intended goals are reasonable or not. Cost of rhinoplasty in Turkey, The all-inclusive rhinoplasty package at Get Well Healthcare includes the cost of the procedure, hospital fees, and general anaesthesia.
  • Q. What is a "nose job" or "rhinoplasty"?
    Rhinoplasty, sometimes known as a "nose job," is a popular technique used to modify the size or shape of the nose in order to enhance its appearance and restore functioning. Patients who want rhinoplasty surgery want to look better overall and are unhappy with the way their nose looks. Rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most popular procedures carried out by our doctors since the nose is the main feature of the face and how it looks might affect your confidence. In addition to enhancing your appearance, this procedure can also enhance function by addressing breathing issues brought on by a deviated septum.
  • Q. What can I expect from a rhinoplasty?
    It's crucial to first realise that it could take up to a year for the swelling to totally go down and your new nose to take on its final shape. Over the course of the first few weeks, as the tissues mend and the swelling continues to subside, the majority of patients will notice a subtle change in appearance. Although you will see a noticeable improvement after three to four weeks, your final nose contour may take several months to show because the soft tissues of the nose have a tendency to maintain swelling longer than most other places on the body. In order to protect and support your new nose shape, the majority of rhinoplasty patients will have their surgery site packed or splinted on the inside and their nose bandaged on the outside. Usually, this dressing needs to be left on for a week before your surgeon removes it along with any stitches. You will experience the most discomfort and swelling in the first week following surgery. You may get some bruising and pain on your cheekbones and around your eyes for a week or two, but this usually goes away. Your surgeon will also provide you with clear and comprehensive postoperative instructions. This will include post-operative care, medication schedules, and issues to keep an eye on. You will have the finest results if you follow these instructions.
  • Q. What is rhinoplasty using the closed technique?
    The parts that need to be altered are accessed from inside the nostril using the closed rhinoplasty procedure. When reshaping and making small repairs, closed rhinoplasty may be the best option. In Turkey, closed rhinoplasty is less invasive, which results in quicker recovery times and less post-procedure swelling. There won't be any obvious scarring because the incisions are performed inside the nostrils. Most individuals who only need modest nose tip contouring undergo closed rhinoplasty.
  • Q. What is rhinoplasty using the open technique?
    In situations where there has to be quicker access to the surgical site and a greater view of the area to be treated, the open rhinoplasty approach is performed. In order to maximise visibility and precision during open rhinoplasty surgery, a skin lift along the columella's width is performed. This approach has many benefits in that it makes it easier for surgeons to reach the entire nose structure, including the nasal tip. The use of open rhinoplasty is often reserved for correcting surgical mistakes made during the initial procedure, the collapse of the nasal structure, or other cosmetic or structural issues. Open rhinoplasty in Turkey may be performed in cases where a more severe reshaping of the nose is required.
  • Q. Is having a nose job painful?
    You will be asleep during the rhinoplasty procedure due to general anaesthesia, so you won't experience any pain. For a few days following surgery, there may be some little bleeding, mucus drainage, and old blood discharge, which can occasionally be uncomfortable or painful. It's crucial to maintain your patience throughout your rhinoplasty rehabilitation because everyone heals differently. Four weeks following your treatment, it is typical to still be dealing with swelling, mild pain, bruises, and even headaches. It's usually a good idea to see your surgeon during this period to make sure you're healing appropriately.
  • Q. What varieties of rhinoplasty surgery are there?
    Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery operation used to treat nasal damage, congenital defects, breathing obstructions, and failed primary rhinoplasties. It improves the nose's appearance while correcting and reconstructing the form and restoring the functions. In addition to correcting injuries, birth defects, or other issues that affect breathing, like a deviated nasal septum or a sinus condition, most patients request the removal of a bump, the narrowing of the nostril width, the changing of the angle between the nose and the mouth, and the alteration of the nose-to-mouth angle. Rhinoplasty surgery typically comes in two varieties: rhinoplasty for reduction and rhinoplasty for augmentation. Some main types of rhinoplasties are: Rhinoplasty Improvement A method used in cosmetic surgery to make certain sections of a person's nose larger so that it has a more aesthetically pleasing look. Among other things, the treatment can heighten the nose bridge or change the nasal tip's shape to increase its projection. In addition to its medical benefits, rhinoplasty has been used as a means of facial enhancement. Rhinoplasty after a traumatic event An operation to treat nose injuries that can result in harmed airways, deformity, shattered bones, and loss of cartilage support. Sports-related injuries, automobile accidents, and conflicts are typically the most frequent causes of these injuries. Rhinoplasty can be used to repair the damage and restore normal breathing as well as improve a patient's facial appearance. Rhinoplasty for reconstruction: Due to the lack of tissue that has been excised or lost, the nose may be badly deformed following surgery to remove cancer or, more rarely, after face injuries. Reconstructive rhinoplasty refers to the surgery needed to replace missing or irreparably damaged tissue. During surgical repair, grafts and flaps from various body parts are used to replace the missing component tissues. Rhinoplasty revision: A surgical treatment intended to restore the shape and functionality of a previously operated nose Many people struggles to breathe through their noses or are unhappy with the aesthetics of their noses as a result of previous nasal surgery. A reconstructive rhinoplasty is a specialised form of plastic surgery used to restore the normal anatomy of the nose by replacing lost or irreparably damaged tissue. The septoplasty procedure: A process that involves surgery to realign the nasal septum. The wall of bone and cartilage that separates your nose's two nostrils is known as the septum. Your septum becomes deviated when it shifts to one side of your nose. A deviated septum can result from an injury to the nose, or it might be a condition that some people are born with. Surgery to correct a deviated septum, known as septoplasty, is designed to straighten the septum and restore normal airflow through your nose. Augmentation Rhinoplasty A method used in cosmetic surgery to make certain sections of a person's nose larger so that it has a more aesthetically attractive look. Among other things, the treatment can heighten the nose bridge or change the nasal tip's shape to increase its projection. In addition to septoplasty, another type of nasal surgery that is becoming increasingly popular is augmentation rhinoplasty. This type of surgery is growing in popularity due to its ability to improve facial symmetry and provide a more aesthetically pleasing look.
  • Q. What distinguishes a vertical breast lift from a crescent breast lift?
    A small, semi-circular incision is made above the areola/coloured area of the nipple during a crescent lift. To slightly raise a nipple with minimal skin laxity, this can be done in conjunction with a breast augmentation. An incision around the areola and a vertical incision to the base of the breast may both be a part of a vertical lift. Patients who have more severe skin laxity and breast and nipple droop are candidates for this procedure. Both procedures are carried out in an accredited surgery centre as outpatient procedures.
  • Q. Will a breast lift surgery involve scars on the breast?
    The breast lift procedure will leave scars on the breast, and this is crucial to understand. As a result, it is a process that, by its very nature, involves tradeoffs. The scars from a breast lift might not be worth it if a breast only slightly sags. There are variations among breast lifts. There may only be a scar around the areola if only a small amount of lifting is required. In addition to the scar around the areola, a vertical scar running from the bottom of the areola to the fold under the breast is required when the breasts are significantly saggy (also known as a "lollipop" scar). Other times, a horizontal scar will also be present at or close to the fold under the breast. The term "anchor scar" is frequently used to describe this kind of scar.
  • Q. What is breast reduction?
    Overly large breasts can be reduced in size and improved in shape through breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty) surgery. Breast reduction surgery reduces the physical discomfort brought on by disproportionately large breasts in addition to enhancing the cosmetic appearance of heavy, sagging breasts. Many women may decide to have their breasts reduced because having very large breasts can result in a number of physical and psychological issues. In fact, thousands of women have their breasts reduced every year to make them lighter, firmer, and more in proportion to the rest of their bodies. Back pain brought on by oversized or heavy breasts, shoulder indentations from bra straps, poor posture and skeletal deformities, rashes, breathing issues, and low self-esteem or self-consciousness are all symptoms that breast reduction can alleviate. To alleviate these symptoms and produce smaller, lighter breasts, the procedure involves removing excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin.
  • Q. Who are the best candidates for a breast lift?
    The best candidates for a breast lift are in the good physical condition and have no other health issues affecting their breasts. Before having surgery, patients who want a breast lift should get a proper breast cancer screening.
  • Q. What additional procedures are carried out along with breast augmentation?
    Breast augmentation can be combined with other body enhancement procedures and is very effective when performed alone. Along with providing a breast lift concurrently with augmentation, we might also suggest body contouring procedures like liposuction or a tummy tuck. Many women choose to have a mommy makeover, which typically combines liposuction, a tummy tuck, and breast augmentation in a single procedure. This enables complete results with just one anaesthesia session and one recovery period. If they would prefer, patients can choose to have these procedures done separately. To help you choose the best surgical strategy for you, the Get Well Healthcare expert team will go over your options with you.
  • Q. What options are there for placing breast implants?
    We either place implants directly under the muscle or directly over the muscle in the breast tissue (subglandular placement) or directly over the muscle in the breast tissue (submuscular placement). The type of implant used, its size, the size of the patient's natural breast, the patient's preferences, and the surgeon's preferences all play a role in placement. Submuscular placement often produces the most natural-looking results and prevents the implant from affecting mammogram results, despite the possibility of a slightly longer healing time.
  • Q. What are the options for breast implants?
    There are a variety of breast implant options, depending on the specific needs and goals of each patient. Choices include: Saline Implants: Saline implants are made of a silicone shell that, after being inserted into the breast tissue, is filled with sterile saline water. This implant option is the most affordable and can be completely customised to the exact size a woman wants. These implants occasionally rupture, which can alter the way the breasts look. Silicone Implants: Silicone implants also have a silicone shell, but they are pre-filled with a silicone gel that resembles natural breast tissue more in appearance and feel. While ruptured silicone implants can also leak, the breast's appearance won't be altered. To make sure silicone implants stay intact, women who have them will need to undergo routine monitoring. Cohesive Gel Implants: These devices, also referred to as "gummy bear implants," are similar in texture to gummy bear candies. They typically have a firmer texture than other implants and won't leak if they tear or rupture. These implants need a slightly larger incision than other implant types because of their consistency. Additionally, there are round and teatear-shapedaversions. ants. Additionally, there are round and tear-shaped implants. The surfaces of implants may be textured or smooth. With a wide range of options, we can tailor your procedure to your specific preferences and physical characteristics for a stunning, natural outcome. By enhancing their appearance, patients are guaranteed a natural look that will give them aesthetic confidence.
  • Q. Should I put off getting a breast lift until after giving birth?
    While the shape and size of the breasts do change during pregnancy, the timing of surgery should depend on how severe the changes were prior to conception. When breast changes, such as pregnancy and weight changes, are kept to a minimum, the best and longest-lasting outcome will undoubtedly result. Numerous patients have expressed a preference for the improvement over waiting until pregnancy. Make sure to fully discuss all of these matters with our plastic surgeons.
  • Q. What are the benefits of breast reduction?
    For women who are unhappy or self-conscious about their breast size, breast reduction surgery is beneficial. Breast enlargement-related physical issues that can be resolved through breast reduction include: Restricted movement and physical activity Back and neck pain Shoulder strain Poor posture Skin irritation and infection Shortness of breath Difficulty fitting into clothing
  • Q. What are the benefits of breast augmentation?
    to improve the body shape of a woman who feels her breasts are too small for personal reasons. to correct a reduction in breast volume that occurs naturally or with age after pregnancy. to balance a difference in breast size. to correct a congenital deformity. as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery.
  • Q. Can breast augmentation and breast lift procedures be performed concurrently?
    A breast lift and augmentation surgery are frequently combined. Patients who need a breast lift frequently experience a significant volume loss that gives the breasts a "droopy" appearance. A breast lift and implant surgery combined can result in a fuller, more natural-looking breast. In our experience, the combined procedure produces results that are significantly better than those of a breast lift alone.
  • Q. The ideal recipients of breast augmentation?
    If a woman is in generally good health but unhappy with the way her breasts look, she may be a candidate for breast augmentation. The shape and size of the breasts will be improved with this procedure, but drooping breasts won't be significantly lifted. For this issue, we frequently suggest combining breast augmentation with a breast lift to achieve the best outcome.
  • Q. How can I plan my breast augmentation and breast implant size?
    The patient must make several significant decisions regarding breast augmentation and breast implant procedures. The choice of implant size is made after a thorough consultation in which your goals and concerns are fully understood. The patient's unique anatomical factors, such as skin laxity and chest diameter, will also affect implant size. There are two standard methods for sizing breast implants: One way is for the doctor to choose the size that, in his or her opinion, would look the best on the patient based on experience. The patient should make the final decision because it is a very personal one and their preferences are what matter, even though plastic surgeons will offer their aesthetic judgement.
  • Q. Does liposuction work as a method of breast reduction?
    You may have heard of plastic surgeons who promote breast reduction through liposuction alone. Although liposuction can be used for breast reduction, very few women actually fit the requirements for getting the best results from this procedure.
  • Q. What are the types of breast lifts?
    There are a few breast lift methods, which vary depending on the amount of extra skin that needs to be removed- Patients who have minimal sagging and little excess skin may benefit from a crescent lift or periareolar ("doughnut") lift. These only leave a small amount of scarring and involve small incisions around the areola. A vertical ("lollipop"), inverted T ("anchor"), or Wise pattern breast lift will probably be performed on patients with more severe sagging and more excess skin. These procedures necessitate more incisions on the breasts because of the increased sagging and additional excess skin.
  • Q. What is breast augmentation?
    One of the most common plastic surgery procedures is breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement or breast enhancement. In order to create a larger, more attractive breast shape and size, this surgical procedure inserts implants into the breast. Women who are dissatisfied with their breast size or who have observed changes to the breasts as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or the ageing process may benefit from breast augmentation. If your breasts are different sizes or shapes, the surgery is also advantageous because it can restore symmetry and balance. After a mastectomy, breast reconstruction may also use implants to restore a woman's body shape.
  • Q. What is a breast lift?
    Mastopexy, also known as the breast lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can give the breasts a more youthful shape and lift. For women whose breasts have started to droop due to age, pregnancy, or weight loss, the breast lift offers a remedy. For those women who want more volume and firmness in their breasts, the surgery can be combined with breast augmentation using implants. If necessary, surgery can also be used to reduce the size of large areolas. Candidates for breast lift surgery have realistic expectations for improvement and are generally in good health. Despite the fact that surgery can be done on breasts of any size, women with small, sagging breasts frequently experience the best results. Additionally, people who intend to become pregnant in the future or lose weight may be advised to put off surgery.
  • Q. What are the different techniques of breast reduction?
    There are numerous techniques that can be used during breast reduction. The most popular method, however, involves making an anchor-shaped incision that circles the nipple, extends vertically downward, and then runs horizontally along the crease beneath the breast. Excess skin, fatty tissue, and glandular tissue are removed through this incision. The nipple could also be positioned higher if it were necessary. There are other procedures involving smaller incisions that may be more suitable for some patients.
  • Q. Is it possible to receive a breast reduction with a breast lift?
    A breast lift is marketed as a procedure that can be done in addition to or concurrently with a breast reduction by some plastic surgeons or breast reduction specialists. Typically, this is just marketing speak meant to make their services sound more appealing. In actuality, a breast lift and a proper breast reduction are identical procedures. The main distinction between the two procedures is the removal of tissue during a breast reduction.
  • What procedures are involved in mommy makeover?
    If you have a mommy makeover, it will be personalized during your consultation to reflect your needs. Get Well Healthcare expert team will assist you to have a free consultation and second opinion with the best plastic surgeons in Istanbul Turkey before deciding having your mommy makeover surgery. Not all women need to have all of the procedures that potentially make up a mommy makeover; some only need to have one or two of them. The only way to determine how many procedures you require is to talk to our board-certified plastic surgeon in Istanbul turkey. With that in mind, the following list of procedures can give you an idea of what's available: ​ Breast lift and breast augmentation: Most women, especially women who are in their 30s or 40s, need to have a breast lift after giving birth. This is because the breasts expand and contract so dramatically during milk production. It's not uncommon for a woman to go up several cup sizes, only to drop back down again once her baby is done breastfeeding. Because the skin must stretch to accommodate all of this milk, many women are eventually left with flatter, saggier breasts that require surgical lifting. Some women also notice that their breasts are smaller than they once were after breastfeeding is complete, making combined lift and augmentation surgery preferable. ​ Liposuction: Liposuction is the removal of fat via a minimally-invasive tube instrument and sometimes administered prior to tummy tuck surgery to get rid of stubborn fat deposits. If, for example, you have developed large love handles, you may need to have liposuction to get rid of them. Liposuction can also be used to remove fat deposits in other areas of the body, too, not just the abdomen. If you have developed extra fat on your hips or thighs, as some women do during pregnancy, it can be removed with liposuction. Tummy Tuck: During tummy tuck surgery, our experienced plastic surgeon in Istanbul will make a long incision along your bikini line, allowing him or her to "pull down" and tighten your skin and muscles. Sometimes, if upper abdominal tightening is needed as well, a second incision will be made near your belly button. In either case, your loose skin will be removed and any muscle damage you have will be repaired. ​ Labiaplasty: Sometimes a woman's labia minora (the delicate, hairless skin of the inner labia) stretches substantially during childbirth. This can cause flaps of the labia minora to protrude beyond the protective labia majora. Not only is this embarrassing for many women, it's often uncomfortable. Because the labia minora is so sensitive, it's prone to chafing, making it hard for the woman in question to exercise or engage in sexual activity. Fortunately, a labiaplasty can be used to correct this problem. During a labiaplasty, a plastic surgeon carefully removes excess skin from the labia minora, then stitches the area closed again. Once the woman has healed, her labia will once again be both functional and comfortably protected by the labia majora.
  • How do I know if I need a mommy makeover?
    If you are unhappy with how your body looks after pregnancy or breast feeding. If You have tried all kinds of exercises, lost weight but can’t seem to get your pre-pregnancy body back, Mummy Makeover may be the procedure for you.
  • Who is a good candidate for mommy makeover?
    A woman in overall good health who has completed her childbearing. The most suitable candidates are those whose babies have been weaned at least 6 months after their birth. It is advised to allow the body to renew and heal itself with the first 6 months after giving birth. It is also recommended to postpone procedures such as breast augmentation until after the breastfeeding period.
  • Why would a woman get a mommy makeover?
    Any woman can experience unwanted changes to her body after having children. Still, no woman has to live with those changes. This makeover addresses all the most common cosmetic concerns shared by mothers, and can improve the appearance of the: Abdomen Breasts Excess fat deposits Overall shape Stretch marks Toning
  • How to choose your mommy makeover surgeon in Istanbul Turkey?
    Mommy makeover is a procedure that requires precision, skill, and expertise to perform well. Get Well Healthcare works with a highly acclaimed, board-certified plastic surgeons in Turkey who specialize in body procedures and breast surgeries like breast enhancement. Our expert team will ensure your procedure is safe and produces the best possible results for you. To learn more about mommy makeover or any of our other body or facial plastic surgery procedure contact us immediately or fill in our contact form and our team will be happily assisting you.
  • What are the advantages of mommy makeover in Istanbul Turkey?
    Istanbul in Turkey is one of the top choices in the world for mommy makeover that include breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction and fat removal operations. Get Well Healthcare expert team assists you to have your mommy makeover at a very reasonable prices, quality of service in the best plastic surgery clinics in Istanbul using the latest technology and highest healthcare quality.
  • How much does mommy makeover cost in Istanbul Turkey?
    Mommy makeover cost in Istanbul cost depends on the following three components: professional fee for the plastic surgeon, professional fee for anesthesia, and the cost of the operating room. Get Well Healthcare expert team will assist you to get different mommy makeover packages from the best plastic surgery clinics in Istanbul and the top plastic surgeons. Mommy makeover packages will include Surgery fee, anesthesia fee, operating room fee, hospital accommodation for 1 or 2 nights, pre operation lab tests, post operation medications, car transfers for internal transportation, hotel accommodation.
  • What is Mommy Makeover?
    Mommy Makeover, also known as maternity aesthetics, or postpartum aesthetics, is the name given to the surgery in which tummy tuck and breast aesthetics are performed in a single session. The procedure mostly includes breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction and fat removal operations. Mommy Makeover is a term used to describe rejuvenation of the breasts and abdomen. The goal is to address some of the common physical changes that can occur following pregnancy. On the breast, these most commonly include sagging and deflation. On the abdomen, it is often excess skin with stretch marks and bulging.
  • What are the causes of Female Infertility?
    Ovulation disorders, which affect the release of eggs from the ovaries. These include hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Hyperprolactinemia, a condition in which you have too much prolactin which is the hormone that stimulates breast milk production also may interfere with ovulation. Either too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) can affect the menstrual cycle or cause infertility. Other underlying causes may include too much exercise, eating disorders, or tumors. Uterine or cervical abnormalities, including abnormalities with the cervix, polyps in the uterus, or the shape of the uterus. Noncancerous (benign) tumors in the uterine wall (uterine fibroids) may cause infertility by blocking the fallopian tubes or stopping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. Fallopian tube damage or blockage, often caused by inflammation of the fallopian tube (salpingitis). This can result from pelvic inflammatory disease, which is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection, endometriosis, or adhesions. Endometriosis, which occurs when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, may affect the function of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Primary ovarian insufficiency (early menopause), when the ovaries stop working and menstruation ends before age 40. Although the cause is often unknown, certain factors are associated with early menopause, including immune system diseases, certain genetic conditions such as Turner syndrome or carriers of Fragile X syndrome, and radiation or chemotherapy treatment. Pelvic adhesions, bands of scar tissue that bind organs that can form after pelvic infection, appendicitis, endometriosis, or abdominal or pelvic surgery. Cancer and its treatment. Certain cancers particularly reproductive cancers often impair female fertility. Both radiation and chemotherapy may affect fertility.
  • What are the causes of Infertility?
    All of the steps during ovulation and fertilization need to happen correctly in order to get pregnant. Sometimes the issues that cause infertility in couples are present at birth, and sometimes they develop later in life. ​ Infertility causes can affect one or both partners. In general: In about one-third of cases, there is an issue with the man In about one-third of cases, there is an issue with the woman In the remaining cases, there are issues with both the man and the woman, or no cause can be found ​
  • What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?
    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child. During IVF, mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. Then the fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs (embryos) are transferred to a uterus. One full cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. Sometimes these steps are split into different parts and the process can take longer. IVF is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure can be done using your own eggs and your partner's sperm. Your chances of having a healthy baby using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility. In addition, IVF can be time-consuming, expensive, and invasive. If more than one embryo is transferred to your uterus, IVF can result in a pregnancy with more than one fetus (multiple pregnancies). Your doctor can help you understand how IVF works, the potential risks and whether this method of treating infertility is right for you. ​
  • Is In Vitro fertilization IVF treatment in Turkey advanced?
    Fertility centers in Turkey perform assisted reproductive technologies with high pregnancy rates. In addition to IVF, Fertility centers in Turkey serves in any kind of gynecologic and endoscopic surgical treatments with great success. Patients receive high-quality medical service in a very modern IVF clinic in Turkey. ICSI assisted hatching, IMSI and blastocyst transfer procedures are done for no additional cost to increase pregnancy chances. The costs of IVF procedures in Turkey are significantly cheaper than the USA or Europe and also offer patients financial help when repeating IVF treatment after unsuccessful trials. Patients also have a vacation of three weeks in the beautiful city of Istanbul.
  • What are the causes of Male Infertility?
    Abnormal sperm production or function due to undescended testicles, genetic defects, health problems such as diabetes, or infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, or HIV. Enlarged veins in the testes (varicocele) also can affect the quality of sperm. Problems with the delivery of sperm due to sexual problems, such as premature ejaculation; certain genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis; structural problems, such as a blockage in the testicle; or damage or injury to the reproductive organs. Overexposure to certain environmental factors, such as pesticides and other chemicals, and radiation. Cigarette smoking, alcohol, marijuana, anabolic steroids, and taking medications to treat bacterial infections, high blood pressure, and depression also can affect fertility. Frequent exposure to heat, such as in saunas or hot tubs, can raise body temperature and may affect sperm production. Damage related to cancer and its treatment, including radiation or chemotherapy. Treatment for cancer can impair sperm production, sometimes severely. ​
  • What is Infertility?
    Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples. Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective therapies that significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
  • What is Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)?
    Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is any fertility treatment in which the egg and sperm are handled. There are several types of ART. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common ART technique. IVF involves stimulating and retrieving multiple mature eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a dish in a lab, and implanting the embryos in the uterus several days after fertilization. ​ Other techniques are sometimes used in an IVF cycle, such as: ​ Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): A single healthy sperm is injected directly into a mature egg. ICSI is often used when there is poor semen quality or quantity, or if fertilization attempts during prior IVF cycles failed. Assisted hatching: This technique assists the implantation of the embryo into the lining of the uterus by opening the outer covering of the embryo (hatching). ​​ Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples. Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective therapies that significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
  • What is spinal injury?
    Spinal cord injuries may result from damage to the vertebrae, ligaments or disks of the spinal column or to the spinal cord itself. A traumatic spinal cord injury may stem from a sudden, traumatic blow to your spine that fractures, dislocates, crushes or compresses one or more of your vertebrae. It may also result from a gunshot or knife wound that penetrates and cuts your spinal cord. Additional damage usually occurs over days or weeks because of bleeding, swelling, inflammation and fluid accumulation in and around your spinal cord. A non traumatic spinal cord injury may be caused by arthritis, cancer, inflammation, infections or disk degeneration of the spine. ​
  • What are the common causes of spinal cord injury?
    The most common causes of spinal cord injuries are: Motor vehicle accidents: Auto and motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries, accounting for almost half of new spinal cord injuries each year. Falls: A spinal cord injury after age 65 is most often caused by a fall. Overall, falls cause about 31% of spinal cord injuries. Acts of violence: Over 13% of spinal cord injuries result from violent encounters, most commonly involving gunshot wounds. Knife wounds also are common. Sports and recreation injuries: Athletic activities, such as impact sports and diving in shallow water, cause about 10% of spinal cord injuries. Alcohol: Alcohol use is a factor in about 1 out of every 4 spinal cord injuries. Diseases: Cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and inflammation of the spinal cord also can cause spinal cord injuries. ​ ​
  • Is it safe to have orthopedic surgery in Turkey?
    Turkey has highly experienced, world-class orthopedic surgeons who have been trained in advanced hospitals in the United Kingdom, the United States and other European countries and hospitals in Turkey are well-equipped with the state of the art to perform orthopedic surgeries​, In addition to Turkish doctors and hospital staff are fluent in English and hospitals have multilingual patient coordinators. The cost of orthopedic surgery in Turkey is affordable compared to most countries, especially Europe and the USA​.
  • what are the common types of knee surgery?
    Meniscectomy Meniscus Repair Meniscus Transplant Plica Removal Lateral Release Microfracture ACL Reconstruction Tendon Repair Knee Replacements
  • What is knee pain?
    Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions such as arthritis, gout and infections also can cause knee pain. Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Physical therapy and knee braces also can help relieve knee pain. In some cases, however, your knee may require surgical repair. ​
  • What is knee injury?
    A knee injury can affect any of the ligaments, tendons or fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that surround your knee joint as well as the bones, cartilage and ligaments that form the joint itself. Some of the more common knee injuries include: ​ ACL injury: An ACL injury is a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) that is one of four ligaments that connect your shinbone to your thighbone. An ACL injury is particularly common in people who play basketball, soccer or other sports that require sudden changes in direction. Fractures: The bones of the knee, including the kneecap (patella), can be broken during motor vehicle collisions or falls. People whose bones have been weakened by osteoporosis can sometimes sustain a knee fracture simply by stepping wrong. Torn meniscus: The meniscus is formed of tough, rubbery cartilage and acts as a shock absorber between your shinbone and thighbone. It can be torn if you suddenly twist your knee while bearing weight on it. Knee bursitis: Some knee injuries cause inflammation in the bursae, the small sacs of fluid that cushion the outside of your knee joint so that tendons and ligaments glide smoothly over the joint. Patellar tendinitis: Tendinitis is irritation and inflammation of one or more tendons the thick, fibrous tissues that attach muscles to bones. Runners, skiers, cyclists, and those involved in jumping sports and activities may develop inflammation in the patellar tendon, which connects the quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh to the shinbone. ​
  • What is spinal pain?
    Spinal pain in the lumbar region (lower back) and cervical region (neck) are highly prevalent and are often the causes for many lost work days. Lumbar muscle strains and sprains are the most common causes of low back pain. The thoracic spine can also be a site of spinal pain, but because it is much more rigid, the thoracic spinal area is much less frequently injured than the lumbar and cervical spine. Spinal pain can be caused by things more severe that might require surgical consideration. These usually involve spinal pain that radiates into arms, legs or around the rib cage from back toward the anterior chest. ​
  • What is knee replacement surgery?
    Knee replacement provides pain relief, improved mobility and a better quality of life. Knee replacement surgery is also known as knee arthroplasty, can help relieve pain and restore function in severely diseased knee joints. The procedure involves cutting away damaged bone and cartilage from your thighbone, shinbone and kneecap and replacing it with an artificial joint (prosthesis) made of metal alloys, high-grade plastics and polymers. In determining whether a knee replacement is right for you, an orthopedic surgeon assesses your knee's range of motion, stability and strength. X-rays, CT and MRI help determine the extent of damage. ​
  • What is spinal fusion surgery?
    Spinal fusion is surgery to permanently connect two or more vertebrae in your spine, eliminating motion between them. Spinal fusion involves techniques designed to mimic the normal healing process of broken bones. During spinal fusion, your surgeon places bone or a bone like material within the space between two spinal vertebrae. Metal plates, screws and rods may be used to hold the vertebrae together, so they can heal into one solid unit. Spinal fusion is typically an effective treatment for fractures, deformities or instability in the spine. But study results are more mixed when the cause of the back or neck pain is unclear. In many cases, spinal fusion is no more effective than nonsurgical treatments for nonspecific back pain.
  • What are the types of back surgery?
    Diskectomy: This involves removal of the herniated portion of a disk to relieve irritation and inflammation of a nerve. Diskectomy typically involves full or partial removal of the back portion of a vertebra (lamina) to access the ruptured disk. ​ Laminectomy: This procedure involves the removal of the bone overlying the spinal canal. It enlarges the spinal canal and is performed to relieve nerve pressure caused by spinal stenosis. ​ Fusion: Spinal fusion permanently connects two or more bones in your spine. It can relieve pain by adding stability to a spinal fracture. It is occasionally used to eliminate painful motion between vertebrae that can result from a degenerated or injured disk. ​ Artificial disks: Implanted artificial disks are a treatment alternative to spinal fusion for painful movement between two vertebrae due to a degenerated or injured disk. But these relatively new devices aren't an option for most people.
  • Can I have Laser Eye Surgery in Turkey?
    Turkey is a top international patient destination for those looking for laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery in Turkey is a simple, effective procedure with the desired outcome, it is also one of the most affordable cost laser eye surgery compared to other countries.Turkey laser eye surgery facilities in Istanbul are also the most highly rated in the country with JCI accreditation. Get Well Healthcare has agreements with Hospitals and Specialized Ophthalmology eye care centers for Laser eye care services in Istanbul with packages include all the medical fees, accommodation, transportation and translation services. ​
  • What are the types of Intraocular Lens?
    There are three types of IOLs available to replace the natural lens, depending on the vision needs and the health of the eyes: Monofocal Fixed Focus IOLs: Monofocal lenses provide clear vision at distance, intermediate, or near ranges. Multifocal IOLs: A multifocal lens provides clear vision at multiple distances. Accommodating IOLs: An accommodating IOL is a type of mono focal lens that enables focus at multiple distances by shifting its position in the eye.
  • What are the types of eye surgery procedures for vision correction?
    Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK): With PRK, rather than forming a flap, the top surface (epithelium) is scraped away. This corneal abrasion takes three or four days to heal, resulting in moderate pain and blurred vision in the short term. It was thought that these drawbacks were outweighed by the theoretical advantage that PRK was safer for people who are more likely to be struck in the eye. ​ Laser Assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy (LASEK): LASEK is similar to LASIK surgery, but the flap is created by using microkeratome and exposing the cornea to ethanol. The procedure allows the surgeon to remove less of the cornea, making it a good option for people who have thin corneas. ​ Epithelial Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis (epi-LASIK): In an epi-LASIK procedure, your surgeon separates the epithelium from the middle part of the cornea using epikeratome and reshapes the cornea with a laser. This procedure is similar to LASEK. Implantable lenses: Corrective lenses can be surgically inserted in the eye to improve vision. This is routinely done as part of cataract surgery. It may also be an alternative to LASIK for older adults who may need cataract surgery in the future. Bioptics: Bioptics combines one or more techniques, such as implantable lenses and LASIK, to treat myopia or hyperopia.
  • What LASIK Eye Surgery can do?
    LASIK eye surgery may be an option for the correction of one of these vision problems: Myopia: When your eyeball is slightly longer than normal or when the cornea curves too sharply, light rays focus in front of the retina and blur distant vision. You can see objects that are close fairly clearly, but not those that are far away. ​ Hyperopia: When you have a shorter than average eyeball or a cornea that is too flat, light focuses behind the retina instead of on it. This makes near vision, and sometimes distant vision, blurry. ​ Astigmatism: When the cornea curves or flattens unevenly, the result is astigmatism, which disrupts focus of near and distant vision.
  • Is Intraocular lens surgery painful?
    No. Lens replacement surgery is a painless and safe procedure. Prior to the surgery, the patient will receive local anaesthetic to remove all pain sensations during the operation. As the anaesthetic wears off, patients commonly experience some temporary discomfort. In the days following a lens replacement surgery, it is common for the patient to experience mild soreness or itching around the eye but this typically subsides quickly. Generally, over-the-counter medicines for pain relief are fully sufficient to manage any discomfort the patient may be experiencing.
  • What is Refractive Intraocular Lens?
    Refractive Intraocular lens exchange, also called lens replacement surgery or clear lens extraction, may be a better option than LASIK, PRK or phakic IOL refractive surgery for people with presbyopia and high hyperopia. Refractive lens exchange (RLE) replaces your eye's clear natural lens with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to correct your refractive error and achieve sharper focus, reducing your need for reading glasses or bifocals. ​ Refractive lens exchange typically is for people with presbyopia or extreme farsightedness, for whom LASIK, PRK or phakic IOL surgery generally are not suitable. If you have both presbyopia and moderate to severe hyperopia, Refractive Lens Exchange may be the only viable option for clear vision and minimal reliance on glasses after refractive surgery. Lens replacement surgery also can correct myopia (nearsightedness), but generally it is not recommended when LASIK, PRK or phakic IOLs are available. The procedure for refractive lens exchange is virtually identical to cataract surgery. The difference is that in RLE, the lens being replaced is clear, rather than a cloudy lens due to a cataract.
  • How long does it take to recover from lens replacement surgery?
    The recovery process after lens replacement or intracameral lens surgery is different from patient to patient but should lead to the same end result of having clear vision and more freedom from vision problems. Initial recovery from refractive lens exchange typically takes about a week. At this point, the patient should be able to resume most of their day-to-day activities. It should be noted that when both eyes need eye surgery, the surgeries are often done separately, usually about one to 2 weeks apart. Immediately following the eye surgery, most patients will immediately notice that they have better vision than before the operation occurred. However, they will still have dilated pupils which will result in some amount of blurred vision. As the pupil returns back to its normal size, there should be a noticeable improvement in vision. After 24 hours the patient should experience the visual acuity gained from the procedure and be able to see clearly at a distance. Reading vision usually takes longer to improve, however it should sharpen within three to five days with a multifocal IOL or assistance from reading glasses if a monofocal IOL was used. When about a week has passed after the eye surgery, the patient should return to the eye surgeon for a follow-up appointment. The eye will be assessed to determine if its healing is progressing normally and to verify that the vision correction was acceptable. If everything appears to be on track, a final one-month visit will be scheduled to make sure that vision has stabilized and that their prescribed eye-drop treatment has run its course. This process will occur on the same timeline for the patient’s other eye if they are being operated on at separate times.
  • What is Cornea Transplant?
    Cornea transplant is a procedure that replaces your cornea, the clear front layer of your eye. During this procedure, Eye surgeon removes damaged or diseased corneal tissue. Healthy corneal tissue from the eye of a deceased human donor replaces the damaged cornea. For many people, cornea transplant surgery restores clear vision and improves their quality of life.
  • How much does lens replacement surgery cost Turkey?
    The cost of a lens replacement surgery Turkey is largely dependent on the type of surgery, as refractive lens exchange, cataract surgery, and implantable contact lenses may all have slightly different costs. Other variables may include the geographic region, surgeon, and specific needs of any given patient. Refractive Lens Exchange Cost: With RLE, the lenses themselves are often customized to the specific needs of a patient, adding a notable expense to the procedure. That number can increase for patients with astigmatism or farsightedness as the corrective lenses have more complexity. RLE is usually considered to be an elective procedure. ​ Cataract Surgery Cost: Cataract surgery done by hand (without a laser) which utilizes a basic intra-ocular lens is generally covered by insurance. A premium lens providing a greater range of focus and reducing the need for glasses is typically an out-of-pocket expense. However, it should be noted that the surgery expense itself should still be covered by medical insurance. Depending on the premium lens a patient decides on, the cost of cataract surgery in Turkey is cheaper compared to EU countries and united states. ​ Implantable Contact Lens Cost: ICL cost in Turkey is more affordable than other countries, eye surgeons in Turkey are highly qualified and using the latest technology for Implantable contact Lens surgery. Contact us and Get Well Healthcare expert team will help you to get a free quotation for your lens replacement surgery in Turkey, our prices for lens replacement surgery is highly competitive and we offer an all inclusive lens replacement surgery package in Turkey including: Surgery fee, hospital fee, pre operative labs, post operative medications, hotel, car transfer, full assistance and translation. ​ ​
  • Does lens replacement surgery improve vision?
    Yes. In most instances, lens replacement surgery effectively improves vision with patients and helps them meet the driving standard of vision or better. The degree of which the vision is improved is dependent on a number of variables, including the patient’s pre-surgery eye health and prescription as well as the surgeon performing the operation. Perhaps the most notable variable that affects vision after the surgery is the type of intraocular lens used during the procedure. For instance, if monofocal IOLs are used, it is possible that the patient will need the assistance of reading glasses for near vision tasks such as working at a computer or viewing small print. Alternatively, multifocal and accommodating IOLs should provide patients with the ability to see clearly at varying distances – which in most cases gets rid of the need for glasses or contact lenses. Some patients with presbyopia may opt for monovision (also referred to as blended vision) during their lens replacement surgery, resulting in one eye excelling with viewing objects up close and the other for distance vision to help avoid the use of bifocals. Implantable contact lenses have proven to be effective for vision correction for those who have significant myopia or other conditions that may make them less suitable for a lens replacement surgery. For each individual patient, the eye surgeon will work to find the most applicable and convenient IOL or ICL application to effectively meet the patient’s visual needs while aligning with their lifestyle.
  • What is LASIK Eye Surgery?
    LASIK eye surgery is the laser refractive eye surgery to correct vision problems. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) can be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses. During LASIK surgery, a special type of cutting laser is used to precisely change the shape of the dome-shaped clear tissue at the front of your eye (cornea) to improve vision. In eyes with normal vision, the cornea refracts light precisely onto the retina at the back of the eye. But with nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism, the light is bent incorrectly, resulting in blurred vision. Glasses or contact lenses can correct vision, but reshaping the cornea itself also will provide the necessary refraction.
  • What is lens replacement surgery in Turkey?
    Lens replacement surgery in Turkey is an umbrella term for a few different procedures, most notably refractive lens exchange (RLE) and cataract surgery. Despite the different naming conventions, they are very similar in approach. During a lens replacement surgery, the eye’s natural lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) in order to reduce refractive error and improve focus. In doing so, the patient should have significantly reduced the need for glasses or no longer need them at all. Additionally, within this family of procedures are implantable artificial lenses that work with the eye’s natural lens called an intracameral lens (ICLs) or phakic intraocular lens, which also can achieve similar results. Here is a quick summary: ​ Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE): Also referred to as clear lens exchange or clear lens surgery, refractive lens exchange entails the surgical removal of the natural lens and replaces it with an artificial intraocular lens inside of the eye. This permanent replacement is tailored to correct the patient’s refractive error and is intended to last a lifetime. Refractive lens exchange is generally utilized for people with presbyopia or high degrees of farsightedness. While it technically can provide vision correction for nearsightedness, it typically is not the preferred method when LASIK, PRK, or an intracameral lens, also called phakic intraocular lens are viable options. Some added bonuses to refractive lens exchange include the prevention of cataract development (since the new lens is artificial), as well as the natural feel since the new lens is implanted within the eye and not on the surface level like a contact lens and does not have the ongoing risks of contact lenses. ​ Cataract Surgery: The lens replacement process for cataract surgery is nearly the same as refractive lens exchange. The primary difference is that with cataract surgery, the natural lens that is being replaced has developed a cloudy appearance as a result of cataracts. Another key difference comes with the type of IOL used as the lens replacement. Depending on the patient’s eye condition and needs, the eye surgeon will be able to recommend a suitable IOL. Among the options available are a monofocal lens (fixed focus IOLs), toric IOLs (fixed focus that corrects astigmatism), multifocal IOLs, or accommodating IOLs. An accommodating IOL is a version of the monofocal lens that allows the eye to focus at different distances simply by adjusting the position of the eye. ​ Intracameral Lens (ICL) or phakic IOL: While not a lens replacement, intracameral lenses also offer a permanent vision correction by way of an artificial lens implant. With this method, the natural lens stays in place and the lens is inserted to rest in the space between the iris and the lens. A key benefit to this approach is that it is completely reversible should the eye experience vision changes in the future. This also allows the eye to retain the natural accommodation (ability to focus from far to near distance). Eyes that have undergone this procedure will continue to age naturally and will not be protected from eventually developing cataracts. If the eye develops a cataract after the implantation of an ICL, the ICL would be removed, followed by the cataract removal followed by an IOL implantation. ​

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