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Best Rhinoplasty Surgery  in Istanbul Turkey with the top Specialized Rhinoplasty Surgeon 

The best rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul, Turkey, is performed by a team of specialised rhinoplasty surgeons with over 25 years of nose surgery experience. Get Well Healthcare in Istanbul is well known for having some of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in Turkey, with many of them having over 25 years of experience performing nose surgery. 


A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is a surgery that changes the shape of the nose, the appearance of the nose, improves breathing, or both. At the bottom and top of the nose, respectively, there is primarily cartilage and bone. During rhinoplasty, changes to the skin, cartilage, bone, or all three may be made. Rhinoplasty is also referred to as a "nose job," and some modifications to your nose that a surgeon might make include:

  • a change in size

  • a change in angle

  • straightening of the bridge

  • reshaping of the tip

  • narrowing of the nostrils


The most popular plastic surgery technique is rhinoplasty. Because of the skilled and best rhinoplasty surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey, nose jobs and rhinoplasty surgery are becoming increasingly popular. Rhinoplasty involves altering the shape of the nose, which can include a change in size, a change in angle, straightening of the bridge, reshaping of the tip, and narrowing of the nostrils. 

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Benefits of Rhinoplasty

If you are thinking about getting a nose operation in Turkey, you presumably have an aesthetic or functional flaw that you'd like to alter. You can anticipate a number of advantages once these problems have been properly fixed, including:


  • Balanced and symmetrical facial appearance,

  • Your other features are enhanced by a nicely shaped nose. 

  • A nose that looks smaller and more in proportion to the rest of your face,

  • Elegant and smoother nasal look,

  • Ability to breathe easier,

  • Enhancement of the quality of your life,

  • Improve your self-esteem.


Primary Rhinoplasty

The first procedure ever done on that nose was a primary rhinoplasty, which is an operation on the nose intended to modify or contour it. A second operation on the same nose is referred to as a "secondary rhinoplasty," since many people want to make additional adjustments to their noses. The primary objective of rhinoplasty is to enhance the nose's cosmetic appeal. When done correctly, a primary rhinoplasty can give the face a balanced and symmetrical appearance. 


The primary rhinoplasty operation is performed by altering the bones and cartilage that make up the core structure of the nose after elevating the skin from the underlying structures, and then after that, the skin is reapplied to the underlying structures. This merely indicates that the patient is undergoing their first rhinoplasty. During this procedure, the surgeon reshapes and refines the nose by making incisions within the nostrils and along the columella.

Any more rhinoplasty procedures would be regarded as revisions, which might vary in complexity depending on how well and how extensive the initial treatment went. This process involves the reshaping and repositioning of the bone, cartilage, and skin to create a more symmetrical, proportionate nose that fits the patient’s facial features. Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that involves reshaping the nose. The purpose of rhinoplasty is to improve the appearance of the nose and enhance facial harmony. It may be a surgical treatment done for aesthetic reasons to enhance the appearance of the nose, a medical need to enhance nasal breathing or a mix of the two.  Primary rhinoplasty, as opposed to secondary (revision) rhinoplasty, which denotes the patient having undergone one or more prior rhinoplasty surgeries, refers to first-time nasal surgery, whether for cosmetic or practical objectives. In primary rhinoplasty, extra bone and cartilage are removed from beneath the skin that covers the nose. Sometimes cartilage grafts are placed in the nasal structure to aid in remodelling.  After the alteration of the supporting structures, the skin is repositioned over the newly shaped framework to give the nose its new appearance. Depending on the patient's requirements, the adjustments could be little or significant.

The aim of our rhinoplasty surgeon is to create a nose that is balanced and harmonious with other facial characteristics, appears natural, and works correctly. Even though the aim of a rhinoplasty surgeon is to create a nose that appears natural, creating an aesthetically pleasing nose requires both art and science. The "operated look" is thereby avoided. Do better Get Well Healthcare offers 3D Rhinoplasty Simulation by simulating the planned before and after effects of rhinoplasty surgery using the Vectra 3D Imaging System.

Although the desires of each primary rhinoplasty patient are always at the centre of what we accomplish, there are some restrictions. What can and should be accomplished with a nose job depends in large part on the skin's texture and thickness, the patient's healing process, any prior injuries or nasal surgeries, individual healing differences, and the proportion and contour of the face. Utilizing the Vectra 3D Imaging System, Get Well Healthcare can simulate the desired result of rhinoplasty surgery and provide realistic expectations for each patient. During your consultation, we'll go through all of these and other aspects in detail. 

The Revision or Secondary Rhinoplasty

After a previous rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty is the corrected nose shape surgery that modifies the nose's appearance and/or functionality. Secondary Rhinoplasty is another name for revision rhinoplasty. When aesthetic and reconstructive nasal reshaping performed during a prior procedure is improperly done, a revision rhinoplasty is performed to correct the cosmetic or functional defect. Sometimes a third or fourth operation, such as a supplementary operation or revision, may be necessary.


Get well Healthcare surgeons to evaluate each patient's unique needs for aesthetic remodelling of the nose, talk with you about the likely results of the procedure, and take every measure to avoid needing a revision rhinoplasty. Expected outcomes of rhinoplasty vary on the surgeon and the patient's preferences. Some outcomes and expectations are realistically achievable, while others are not. To ensure that the patient will achieve their goals with the fewest potential odds of requiring revision surgery, the surgeon and the patient must deliberate on the probable outcomes before surgery.

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A crooked nose is an asymmetrical nose that is often distinguished by deviation of the cartilaginous lower two-thirds and/or the top bony third of the nose. The tip of a deviation is frequently sinusoid in morphology and may or may not be in the midline (S-shaped crooked nose deformity). In addition to complicating the best surgical management, structural issues with the nose that are crooked frequently cause functional issues with the nose, such as a nasal blockage.

Correction of a crooked nose

Rhinoplasty for a crooked nose

One of the most difficult aspects of septorhinoplasty is correcting the crooked nose. The surgeon performing the rhinoplasty must take care of both the nasal obstruction and the correction of contour defects. Any type of nose defect can be corrected by our rhinoplasty doctors, who also provide you with the best cosmetic and functional results. Following a precise diagnosis, rhinoplasty doctors arrange the surgical correction of the crooked nose while taking into account balance, proportion, symmetry, and the improvement of nasal function. One of the causes of the crooked nose is primary cause of an asymmetric nose is fractured nasal bones brought on by trauma sustained in accidents or at delivery. The offending trauma results in both septal deviation and disruption of typical nasal support mechanisms, which may lead to internal and external nasal valve collapse in these individuals, who frequently have a progressive nasal blockage. illnesses that commonly cause septal damage include autoimmune or immunologic diseases, which affect the septum and the interior structures of the nose.

Humps Reduced One of the most popular reasons for rhinoplasty surgery is the rhinoplasty process. Either cartilage or bone can generate nasal bumps. Reduced Nasal Hump Rhinoplasty is the procedure used to reduce or eliminate the hump. For the hump reduction procedure to be successful, both the bone and the cartilage must be removed.
Benefits of Surgery for Hump Reduction

Dorsal hump reduction is another name for hump reduction. To achieve their ideal facial aesthetic appearance, clients might remove an unsightly bulge that protrudes from their noses. Dorsal hump reduction is only performed to eliminate a minor bulge that many patients find bothersome; other patients may decide to have the entire curve of their nose reshaped. The majority of rhinoplasty surgeons now provide their patients with the chance to view before and after pictures of the treatment using computer imaging software, allowing the patient to decide for themselves whether they will like their new nose and what other characteristics they may add to the hump reduction. Before decreasing the hump on your bridge, there are several things to take into account.

Humps Reduced Rhinoplasty


Nasal hump causes include

One of the reasons for the nasal hump is that the bridge of the nose is composed of bone in the upper third and cartilage in the lower two-thirds. Humps can only affect the upper bony component of the bridge; in this case, the extra bone can be removed by itself. Alternatively, if the humps are made up of both excess bone and cartilage, both the bone and the cartilage must be removed. Trimming the cartilage can be used to address a hump of cartilage that certain people may have.


Reduction of Hump

Some patients choose to retain a tiny amount of the hump to feel the bridge full following surgery, either to preserve specific racial or familial features or just out of personal choice. As a result, you must specify to your rhinoplasty surgeon the degree of hump reduction you desire.

Aftercare instructions for rhinoplasty

  • To reduce swelling and bruising during the day for the first 72 hours following surgery, use crushed ice in an ice bag or Swiss Eye Pads (obtained from the hospital) on the area surrounding the bandage. Keep your hands off the nasal splint.


  • Post-operative care for rhinoplasty


  • For one week following surgery, sleep with your head elevated on two pillows.


  • For the first two weeks following surgery, avoid blowing your nose; instead, try to sneeze via your mouth. You might sneeze in reverse.


  • For the first two weeks following surgery, refrain from engaging in any intense activity that raises your heart rate above 100 beats per minute, such as aerobics, heavy lifting, and bending over. This covers both sexual activity and relations.


  • Finally, after the first week, gradually raise your activity level so that by the end of the second week, you will be back to normal.


  • After surgery, refrain from smashing your nose for four weeks.


  • You can resume eating normally following surgery.

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Complete recovery following rhinoplasty

An average rhinoplasty or nose reshaping treatment requires roughly a full year to recover fully from. If you make every attempt to keep maximum health and take good care of your nose throughout this time, you may even be able to decrease the recovery period.


Here is a weekly breakdown of the healing process for rhinoplasty to help you better understand what to anticipate:


  • Week 1: After examining your nose, your facial plastic surgeon will likely remove your splint. You might get some little bruising around the eyes during this time, but other than that, you should be able to carry on with your regular activities. Just be careful in whatever you do, limit your time in the sun, and avoid lifting anything heavy or applying pressure on your face.


  • Week 2: By now, the majority of the facial swelling and bruising ought to have diminished.


  • Weeks 3 and 4: You can now resume your cardiovascular routines if you work out.


  • Week 6: Strength training and resistance exercises can start up again now that the bones should be stable. However, before beginning rigorous physical activities again, make careful to speak with your general physician and facial plastic surgeon.


  • 3 to 6 Months: By this time, any numbness and strange skin sensations around your nose should be fully gone.

One year: The healing process ought to have finished by now, give or take a few weeks or months. At this point, you shouldn't be experiencing any pain, discomfort, redness, swelling, or bruising. Additionally, you ought to be able to observe the complete outcomes of your rhinoplasty.

Tips for Speeding Up the Recovery After Rhinoplasty Surgery

You'll be able to facilitate and maintain your recovery and keep it on track if you keep in mind these crucial suggestions during the healing process. To ensure your recovery goes as smoothly as possible, take great care to adhere to the aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon. Following your surgeon's aftercare instructions is one of the most important tips for speeding up recovery after rhinoplasty surgery


  • Observe your doctor's recommendations

The best piece of advice you can follow is to simply follow your doctor's instructions and schedule follow-up consultations on a regular basis. Additionally, make sure you are following a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining good sleep habits. You can read all the online articles you want on what to expect during recovery time and what you should do. Your facial plastic surgeon is the one who did the treatment, so they are well-versed in your case history and should be able to guide you through the healing period and prescribe the right drugs.


  • Beware of certain side effects

You might experience a few different side effects, such as redness or very small bruising under the eyes, right away after having your nose reshaped. Within the first two weeks, this should go away, but if it continues, you should speak with your facial plastic surgeon. Your facial plastic surgeon should be able to explain which side effects are common and which may require a bit more monitoring You may initially have some discomfort or soreness, but this should pass over the next few weeks. You should inform your doctor if you have severe discomfort or pain that prevents you from engaging in your normal activities.


  • Hold your head high

To encourage appropriate blood flow and prevent further injury, it is crucial that you maintain your head elevated in a straight, upright position as much as possible for the first few minutes. Additionally, you should take a few moments to gently move your head around, loosening up the muscles and tendons, Unfortunately, this means that you must sleep upright for the first six weeks or so following surgery and refrain from turning onto your back or your sides since this could move your nose, which is still mending.


  • Applying a cold compress can reduce swelling

You should apply a cold compress to your face for the first two to three days after surgery to help with edoema and redness reduction. It will look out of place if you apply the cold compress immediately to your nose. Avoid touching your nose at all costs and apply it to your cheeks instead. Applying the cold compress to your cheeks rather than your nose can provide comfort and reduce the edoema and redness in the area without causing further damage or making you appear strange.


  • Continue Eating Healthily 

Always be mindful of your food, but it's especially crucial when you're healing after major or minor surgery. Consume healthful foods that are high in protein, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and other anti-inflammatory nutrients to help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process. Incorporate foods such as lean proteins, nuts and seeds, avocados, and leafy greens into your diet to ensure that your body is receiving the vitamins and minerals it needs for recovery.

  • Do not blow your nose

Although it may seem quite clear, this needs to be said again. For the first six weeks or so after your rhinoplasty treatment, avoid blowing your nose at all costs. You're going to have a lot of congestion as your nose heals because of obstructions in your nasal channel. Avoid blowing your nose. Consult your doctor about saline-based nasal sprays as an alternative to help reduce congestion and mucus accumulation. In keeping with that, you should refrain for the first six weeks from making any direct physical contact with your nose, including wearing sunglasses or a face mask or even scratching an itch. Injury can result from even the smallest point of touch.

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